Saturday, 7 April 2007

Introductions and explanations

Sound idyllic, don't be fooled, this is not blog from a remote countryside location, however it is magical. The river is the Thames and I have to say the view is spectacular, looking westwards I can see : Tower Bridge; St Pauls; BT Tower; Wembley Arch; Westminster; Big Ben and all other manner of ancient spires mixed together with concrete and glass towers. To the east Canary Wharf stands majestically, together with ever increasing developments popping up all over the island. The daily view across London changes from grey sky to spectacluar sunset. The river itself sits below, a constant ebb and flow of traffic, objects and of course water! In good weather and when its not windy (downside) a glass of wine or a G & T goes down very well.

I moved back to London three and a half years ago from the country where, together with my husband and daughter we lived in an old converted methodist chapel. Our decision to move back to London was based on the fact our marriage was on a knife edge and quite frankly anything was worth a go, even though we were advised against it. Well it worked, moving back has given me some of the most rewarding times of my life and re-invigorated both marriage and our individual lives. New jobs, new challenges, new people, new area, less baggage! We had to downsize to afford the prime position we have, albeit it small, however it is surprising what you don't miss. We were determined that the view out of our window had to be better than the one we had.

The one thing I left behind was my daughter who at the age of 20 was setting up on her own. But joy of joys she has returned! Our spare room is no longer spare and no longer can we depend on hot water from the shower, but I can honestly say it feels great being a mum again. We shop, we laugh, we argue, we joke and of course I worry (getting back late etc). I am lucky - I live with my two best friends!

I am a Deputy Headteacher and am just moving to a new school where another chapter will begin, hence the blog - a good starting point! I have often contemplated writing a diary and regret not recording some of the funnier episodes in my/our life. Now's my opportunity. I can ramble to my hearts content, filling in gaps along the way.

My family is spread across the world, mum and dad in Thailand/Spain, sister in Canada, brother in the next county: hi to you all and special thanks mum for the tip re: blog!! I checked out Wife in the North - great stuff!!

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